Mary, Did You Know?

Mary, Did You Know?

December 19th, 2020

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:19-20, NIV

Garret chose to propose to me in a very intimate and quiet way. It was just the two of us picnicking at a park. No family popping out of trees with arms wide, no friends screaming congratulations (that all would come later) but in the moment, it was just the two of us: thanking God for His goodness, sitting in our bliss (and nervous excitement) and reveling in the promise of what our life was going to hold. 

It was so special, and I treasure those moments we had alone together before the excitement and chaos of sharing the news and wedding planning began. I think God gave Mary and Joseph a hidden gift in allowing them to give birth intimately and privately, just the two of them, in the stables away from everyone else. 

Before the shepherds arrived, there was a moment when it was just a new mom and dad, and their newborn baby boy, enjoying the first joys of being a family. There was a period of time before the arrival of the shepherds, when Mary and Joseph of Nazareth and their brand new baby were just a normal family, and a certain conversation with an angel nine months prior seemed a long time ago and maybe even hard to believe. Then the shepherds arrive, and this family picture and newborn baby are far from normal. We see God’s words coming to pass, His plan to save the world is at work. 

Mary’s reaction is different from that of the shepherds and those they share the news with. The shepherds are overjoyed with happiness and praise for God because the word was fulfilled just as it was told them. Mary also sees the Word of God fulfilled as the shepherds echo the same words about her new baby that the angel Gabriel shared with her, but Mary “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Mary appears to calmly take it in and sit in the wonder of God acting in her life. The fact that she “treasures” the words of the shepherds means it is good news to her ears as well, but that she also “ponders” shows that she wonders what exactly this good news means for her, her family, and the baby boy lying in her arms. 

Reading this scripture, I couldn’t help but hear the words to one of my favorite Christmas songs:

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?

Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?

This child that you’ve delivered will soon deliver you.

God speaks to us in many ways and we can react very differently. Do you find yourself more likely to quietly ponder and reflect in your heart like Mary, or are you more likely to be filled with overflowing awe and persuaded to shout good news from the rooftops like the shepherds? Are there times when one serves a better purpose than the other?

Prayer: God, help me to be more like Mary and treasure up your words and promises to hold close to my heart. Let me sit and ponder the Christmas Miracle so I can fully understand Your love. Help me to be more like the shepherds and to break out in praise over who You are. Allow me to share your glory and shout your goodness to the world like they did. Amen. 

Claire Mater

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