Potluck July 8th at the New Location

Potluck July 8th at the New Location

Join us for our first Sunday in the new space. We will gather for worship at 10am and hang out afterward for a potluck. Bring a dish to share, or just come—we're sure there will be plenty. This will be a great time to celebrate what God is doing, check out the new space, and build relationships.


If you plan to bring something, let us know here: https://doodle.com/poll/zzqhuiee2ndvrg4g

There is a fridge, counter tops, and outlets at the space, so feel free to bring it with you to church. 


City Kid's Team Leader Application

City Kid's Team Leader Application

Incredibles 2 - 7PM Viewing with discussion after

Incredibles 2 - 7PM Viewing with discussion after